This is why the theme of the first appointment of the Cyber Security Talks, the brief seminars that animated the Cyber Arena of SICUREZZA 2019, returning this year in digital format, as a training and refresher activity in anticipation of the 2021 edition, is going to be remote working and data security.
Organised with the scientific contribution of Business International-Fiera Milano Media, a Fiera Milano Group company, the webinar is scheduled to take place next 23 November, from 11 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., exactly one year before SICUREZZA 2021.
Experts in the sector will be offering their vision of the consequences of Cyber attacks on corporate security and helpful suggestions for developing greater awareness.
Dedicated to the cyber risks linked to the exponential increase in forms of remote working (Smart Working and Teleworking), the event addresses professionals from companies both large and small, as well as those working in Public Administration. All companies nowadays are forced to defend their security perimeter, which is no longer defined the way it used to be. In recent months, there has been an increase in the area of attack by cyber criminals who, taking advantage of a general lack of knowledge in terms of network and data protection, as well as often inadequate policies, succeed in hacking into the devices of employees and stealing data and sensitive information.
During the webinar, participants will be given a checklist showing them how to defend their corporate security perimeter, what countermeasures to take, how to improve their ability to respond to attacks and how to increase awareness of threats, explaining the importance of appropriate behaviour by employees and managers in remote work.
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Cyber Security Talks - Focus: Cybersecurity and Smart Working
New types of "attack", data protection in remote working, cybersecurity checklist for big companies and SMEs
23 November 2020, from 11 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Alvise Biffi, Cyber Security Steering Committee Coordinator, Assolombarda
Vincenzo Calabrò, IT Contact and CIS Security Officer, Ministry of the Interior ‐ Contract professor of IT Security Technologies, UniRC
Gerardo Costabile, CEO, DeepCyber and Lecturer in Company Security, Università San Raffaele in Rome
Stefano Zanero, Associate Professor, Polytechnic University of Milan
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