

The industry expresses its confidence in the event, which reaffirms itself as one of the leading European exhibition.

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The industry expresses its confidence in the event, which reaffirms itself as one of the leading European exhibition.

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A chat with Andrea Monteleone, ANIE Sicurezza President
Managing change to expand abroad is an important challenge for the security and fire industry, a challenge that it is fully capable of taking on but which requires a fast response and significant organisation.

Andrea Monteleone is the newly elected President of ANIE Sicurezza, the industry association that has always supported SICUREZZA. We caught up with him and asked him to tell us about his vision of the security and fire industry, the challenges it faces and what the potential and risks are.


Mr Monteleone, how would you describe the current situation in the security industry?

This is a very particular period. The Europe-wide introduction of the new NIS2, CER and CRA regulations, which for the first time aim to standardise rules and strengthen cyber resilience and security across EU countries, will undoubtedly bring about radical and very rapid change and impose a paradigm shift that not only affects products, but corporate culture as a whole and how we operate in the market. We’re talking about a real revolution, and companies must prepare themselves to meet the challenge.


Are Italian companies ready for this transition?

Yes, our companies have shown that they have solid foundations and, above all, the technological and commercial capabilities to excel in Europe and the world. However, they must be quick to adapt to new situations and, most importantly, learn to work together – because only by working together, in an organised manner, can we become more influential on the international market. If we can seize the opportunities in the right way, this scenario could become very positive for Italian industry. For the first time, everyone will be competing under the same rules; companies with the ability to go beyond their comfort zone and view situations from new angles will emerge.


So the Italian market has what it takes to compete globally, but it has to know how to use its capabilities...

We must overcome the distinction between Italian and foreign markets. Common rules increase the scope of the market, and it would be a mistake not to take advantage of this. We can no longer think only in terms of the domestic market: it is essential that we expand in Europe and the world, where there are greater opportunities for growth. As I mentioned, we have all the capabilities, but we need to act in a more structured and systemic way. Italy has a vigorous and dynamic entrepreneurial approach, but to compete internationally we need more cohesion and strategic vision. If we can do this, we can be just as effective as our global competitors.


In your opinion, which technologies and solutions will be crucial to remain competitive in this scenario?

Rather than reference a particular technology or solution, I think it is key that we reflect on the value of integration. Today we can no longer reason in siloed terms. Technologies such as artificial intelligence, the cloud and cybersecurity must be used across the board, improving productivity and security in all sectors. This is another new topic that needs to be addressed, but companies must have the courage to innovate and make the best use of available technologies. 


How can ANIE Sicurezza support companies as they face this process of change?

Our task is very much to help small and medium-sized enterprises, who may not have the necessary resources, to overcome any organisational and systemic difficulties that could hinder their growth. The association can act as a “consultant” by supporting companies throughout the process and helping them to make processes more effective and better exploit opportunities for innovation and internationalisation.


In this context, what role does an exhibition like SICUREZZA play?

SICUREZZA is a key platform for the industry, which can complement the work of the Association. The exhibition, which will take place a year after the implementation of the new directives, will be an opportunity to discover how the market has reacted and what progress it has made in responding to the new challenges, highlighting its maturity and competitiveness. At the same time, it has the potential to be an important meeting point for reflecting together on the most pressing current issues, on difficulties and opportunities, an event where companies can lay the foundations for future growth and find the tools they need to implement that growth.