Hours 13.00 – 14.15
(Diana Room) Pav.10
During the last few months the private security industry has been involved in the technical-political dispute over the minimum wage; as a corollary of a collective agreement that took more than 8 years of negotiations to be renewed.
The administrative, criminal and labor law has intervened on the topic with different approaches and visions, in contrast with the need of security companies to have certainty regarding the economic parameters on which to base their economic policies.
Therefore, the knowledge and the awareness of the dynamics in progress become necessary, if not indispensable, for the companies to determine themselves correctly.
Moderator: Raffaello Juvara - Director of essecome securindex
● Ezio Moro - Partner of Law Firm Toffoletto, De Luca, Tamajo e Soci
● Antonio Pagliano - UE criminal procedural law professor
● Marco Stratta - Secretary General A.N.I.V.P.