Hours 10:00 – 13:30
By ASSIV (Sala Giove) Pav.10
Assiv has decided to deal with a particularly delicate topic such as violence against women.
The round table aims to reflect on how, and to what extent, a sector such as that of private security, complementary to that of public security and characterized by top-level technologies, can contribute to solving a problem that causes great social alarm.
And it is precisely this synergy, between new technologies and adequately trained and supported operators, that can become a protagonist in the defense of women's safety. So, does it still make sense to limit supervisory activity solely to the defense of assets, when adequate actions can contribute to improving the sense of security of all citizens?
Stakeholder representatives from political forces, ministerial leaders and associations against violence against women were invited to the initiative.
Valentina Bendicenti, Sky journalist
Francesco Lucarelli, Direttore commerciale e marketing Corpo Vigili Giurati Spa
Elisabetta Aldrovandi, Garante per la tutela delle vittime di reato, Regione Lombardia
Osservatorio nazionale sostegno vittime
Diana De Marchi, Presidente Commissione pari opportunità e diritti civili, Comune di Milano
Claudia Di Palma, Centro antiviolenza SVS Donna Aiuta Donna ONLUS
Tiziana Liguori, Primo dirigente della Polizia di Stato
Martina Semenzato, Presidente della Commissione parlamentare d’inchiesta sul femminicidio, nonché su ogni forma di violenza di genere, Camera dei Deputati
Maria Cristina Urbano, ASSIV President